Smart sockets, Smart Living!
Control your home appliances whenever you want, wherever you want!
Use ELECTRALINE LIVING APP to make it possible!
The Wi-Fi Smart kit contains a Wi-Fi Master socket and a Radio Slave socket.
That’s what you can do with WI-FI SMART KIT:
TIMER: Perfect to avoid unnecessary electricity consumption! Ideal for scheduling: christmas decorations,
kitchen appliances like kettles and coffee machines, acquariums, heaters and fans, and more..!
COUNT DOWN: Keep energy bills low! Perfect for setting the max ON time of the TVbefore falling asleep,
the heater in the bathroom in the morning, the fan before going tosleep.
RANDOM: Go on vacation without any concerns setting RANDOM MODE! It turns onand off your devices
at different times making it look like there’s someone at home.
ON/OFF: Have access to turn your home devices on/off. Wi-Fi Smart Kit can control upto 200 radio sockets.